Hi let me introduce myself

I’m Max’s mummy otherwise known as Kris.

You’ll notice there is already a hello world post at the beginning of my page, I thought I’d update.

So I’ve been blogging about my scrumptious son Maximus for a few months now.

My main goal for my blog was to share information about being a first time mum, which we all know can be scary and overwhelming. I want to help other mummy’s out there; I also want to share my son’s progress.

What can I say I’m a proud mamma!

My blog is a real mix up of Max’s development milestones, advice on Baby led Weaning with some product reviews thrown in for good measure.

I’d love to connect with other mummy’s out there. I’m sure there’s so much we can learn from each other.

So enough about my blog and Max, here’s a little about me:

I’m 32 years old and as you will know from the content on my blog, I have a 9 month old son. I’ve been married for 3 years and I live in a lovely part of Kent.

Before I had Max I worked for a software company in London Bridge. To be frank I hated it. I’m much happier being a mummy than being stuck behind a desk in an office.

Being a mum is hard work and sometimes I of course have good days and bad just like anyone else. The good certainly outweigh the bad.

Life is so short let’s spend it doing things we enjoy.

15 thoughts on “Hi let me introduce myself

    • I had a rough pregnancy and had to use most of my maternity leave before he got here. We are only allowed 12 weeks off so sadly I had to go back to work soon after he was born.


      • That is crazy, where are you based. 12 weeks is nothing!!! In the UK we get 12 months. Your work should have been a bit more sympathetic to your needs. The cost of childcare here is ridiculous so I wont be going back to work.

        Liked by 1 person

      • We are in the United States. We get 12 weeks of unpaid leave, after that if you do not return to work you can/will be terminated from you positions. I cut it very close and almost lost my job. I had an emergency c-section and it took longer to get my doctor to release me back to work.
        Child care here is crazy too. We are paying $115 a week, which works for now. When I have to add Alexander to my insurance I might have to quit work. We simply cannot afford $500 a month for just his health insurance plus the $115 a week for daycare.
        Sorry for the long reply. Stressing about the next couple of months. 😦


      • I really feel for you. That’s disgusting that its unpaid and that you have to pay insurance in the first place. We get 12 months, 3 of that 12 is unpaid you get 7 weeks at 90%of your salary and 4 weeks at 75% then its statutory maternity pay which is about 500 pound a month. (or something along those lines)


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