Max Update

Can you believe I still don’t have my phone back. This is week 3, WEEK THREE I’m on the verge of a breakdown can you tell :).

Samsung have basically given up trying to fix the screen and have instead offered me a new one, which is great but ….. they have the most longest process of getting a new phone out. Its pretty ridiculous when you think we could just walk into a store and pick one up.I think it’s a case of poor communication between one department and another.

Being phoneless is driving me nuts.My whole life is on that device, which when you think about it is pretty sad. What did we do before smartphones and I have to say I don’t know. 

Don’t you feel liberated my husband asked me in week 1, no I feel lost was my honest answer. This morning I’ve decided to get on the PC and get a few posts out.I’ve worked hard on this blog over the year and I don’t want it all going to waste now.

So bare with me the posts will be a bit thin on the ground but once I get the beloved smartphone back you’ll be hearing much more from me ( yayyyy I hear you cheer).

I really want to do a post about Max. My blog started as homage to the mad one and how he has changed my life. He still is very much my main focus but what with baby number 2 on the way and a few rants sometimes his progress report slips to the wayside.

Max is 19 months now (amazes me how quickly time has flown) and a real cheeky chappy (chappy being a polite way of saying sod). He achieves so much each day. When your babies are little babies every new milestone seems so huge. The first smile, laugh,roll,crawl,walk everything is so momentous. Once they get a bit bigger the milestones are still just as a big deal but are slightly smaller if that makes sense (which i’m aware it probably doesn’t). Let’s break them down :

Walking :

As most of you know Max started walking at around 15 months. To some this is a little late but to us he walked exactly when he was supposed to. Were encouraging him to walk when we go out places (though this often takes ten times longer because he has a obsession with cars and window displays) he is the proud owner of his own set of reins. They really are the best invention although sometimes I do feel like i’m walking a dog. Recently he’s added running and jumping to the walking skill set which is always funny to watch.


This child definitely takes after me in the respect that he is a chatterbox. He doesn’t stop talking.Easily 90% of the time we have no clue what he’s saying but we nod, smile and join in the conversation which seems to please him. When he makes noises we don’t make the noise back. The idea being we want to engage him with words not sounds. The word catalogue is getting pretty extensive the most recent being “apple” “Up and Down” “a ball” and ” goal”. Hes a prize mimicker and will try to repeat anything i ask him to.


Sadly it’s not all fun and games in our house, the tantrums are still occurring. They do tend to change shape though. We’re seeing less head banging (which is nice for me) but we still have a lot of drop and roll. He is having tantrums at the drop of a hat. Mainly if you tell him now or try to take him away from something he was doing (like trying to get him to have his nappy changed when he’s playing). I try really hard not to be a mean shouty mum but sometimes its hard not to be. I try and catch his attention and lure him away from his toys. More often than not this doesn’t work and I resort to pick him up which is when all hell breaks loose. The tantrums are here to stay for a few years yet there just a part of kids growing up. Hormonal me feels a bit sad lately like the tantrums are my fault but sensible me knows in the back of my head that really they are not.

Overall Max is a good kid who has his moments.

In six weeks his life is going to change all over again and it makes me nervous that I can’t predict how he is going to adapt to that. We’re just going to have to roll with the punches on that one.







Kids grow up so fast

People say it all the time and it’s so true. I can’t beleve how much Max has changed and grown in the past 16 months. I think it’s official he really is no longer a baby he’s a full fledged toddler.

The walkings coming along great and it cracks me up to see him toddling around. He seems to walk while waving his hands in the air (yes he is a crazy boy). We did a bit of outside walking yesterday which he really enjoyed, I think it’s a whole new perspective for him which must be so exciting.

I’m really anxious to see how he reacts to a new baby. I’m hoping hel take to it like a duck out of water and  won’t be too jealous.

We have our anomaly scan soon which is making me feel nervous. There’s always that worry at the back of your mind that something may not be right. I can’t beleve I’m 20 weeks already that’s halfway to the finishing line, and if he comes when  max did at 37 weeks and 5 days then that’s only 17 weeks and a few days to go.



Max’s walking

I just wanted to do a real quick update about max’s walking.

As you will know Max loves to crawl. He’s really quick he literally zips around. Sometimes I find it difficult keeping up with him.

Well STOP THE PRESS he’s started walking on his own, without needing anyone to encourage him. Were hoping I  the next couple of weeks hel be totally confident enough to just walk. I must admit I’m looking forward to this because max is getting sooooo ooooo heavy and I’m really struggling .

I can’t post videos on here ( translation  I don’t know how) but if you pop over to my facebook page you can see the walking in all its glory.

Hi let me introduce myself

I’m Max’s mummy otherwise known as Kris.

You’ll notice there is already a hello world post at the beginning of my page, I thought I’d update.

So I’ve been blogging about my scrumptious son Maximus for a few months now.

My main goal for my blog was to share information about being a first time mum, which we all know can be scary and overwhelming. I want to help other mummy’s out there; I also want to share my son’s progress.

What can I say I’m a proud mamma!

My blog is a real mix up of Max’s development milestones, advice on Baby led Weaning with some product reviews thrown in for good measure.

I’d love to connect with other mummy’s out there. I’m sure there’s so much we can learn from each other.

So enough about my blog and Max, here’s a little about me:

I’m 32 years old and as you will know from the content on my blog, I have a 9 month old son. I’ve been married for 3 years and I live in a lovely part of Kent.

Before I had Max I worked for a software company in London Bridge. To be frank I hated it. I’m much happier being a mummy than being stuck behind a desk in an office.

Being a mum is hard work and sometimes I of course have good days and bad just like anyone else. The good certainly outweigh the bad.

Life is so short let’s spend it doing things we enjoy.

Crawl baby crawl

These past few weeks we’ve noticed that Max is definitely getting more mobile.

He’s learnt how to shuffle around using his arms and belly. I can see that he really wants to get on the move but he’s not quite realised that he needs to keep his feet down.

Instead he balances on his belly with his arms outstretched and screams in frustration (really a lovely sound!).

I really want him to achieve this next milestone. His cousin was up and walking by 10 months. All babies progress differently but I don’t want people thinking he’s behind. I realise how ridiculous this sounds, but let’s face it, people compare.

As soon as it clicks you won’t be able to stop him and then the fun really begins (bring on the baby proofing!).

We really can’t wait for him to be able to crawl about with his other little friends.

He’s such a wriggle bum now and he loves to stand. Who knows maybe he won’t crawl for long? I just want him to be ready when the time comes.

Stay tuned for the post when he actually crawls. I may pee a little in excitement, lol 🙂

So tell me, what age did your baby crawl?