Tiny love Gymini baby bouncer *review*

As most of you already know Kai is the baby brother of Maximus (not gladiator Maximus but my offspring Maximus).

We didn’t really need to get many new bits and bobs because we had already purchased them all for the first born. It really sucks sometimes being the youngest.

Originally we had the comfort and harmony bouncer from Mothercare but found it really didn’t cut the mustard this time round. I think probably because Max didn’t spend as much time in a bouncer out of harms way as Kai does which was why it was fine the first time round.

Max in the chair first time around

Kai never looked comfortable in it his head always seemed to fall to one side. So we decided to treat him to new digs.

We wanted a chair that was affordable and comfortable. We came across the Tiny Love bouncer on Amazon. I remembered a friend of mine had the same one so we took the plunge.

The Tiny Love bouncer was perfect for the following reasons:

It was very affordable, we paid £41.00 I think but it’s currently £46.00 which is still cheaper than some of the other models on the market.

It was comfortable. Kai absolutely loves it. It comes with the standard vibrate function which all babies seem to love. The seat also has two positions upright and recline making it perfect to use from birth


Kai just chilling in his chair

The music is played via the crab and this can be removed from the chair if required.

The fabric is lovely and colorful. It was also quite padded.

The arms on the side move in and out so as baby grows the chair grows with him.

The arms also come with extra hoops so you can hang your own toys if you so wish.

The cons of the bouncer –

There isnt a great selection of music and it is very repetitive. Babies love repetition mummys not so much

The vibrate function literally eats batteries.

All in all the bouncer is very good, it more than meets our requirements. I absolutely recommend this to anyone looking for a quality bouncer for there baby.

*I was not sent the Tiny love Gymini bouncer for review. All opinions are my own*

3 Little Buttons

Best of Worst

Angelcare bath seat *review*

When Max was born we used a traditional baby bath to begin with. I don’t know about you but I found this to be a bit of a nightmare. It was so hard to hold the baby as well as give him a wash there just wernt enough hands. The throught of bathing him on my own made me come out in a deep sweat. I just didn’t know how I would manage it.

When I stumbled upon the Angel Care bath seat I honestly couldnt believe my luck. It was perfect just what we needed. The solution to arkward newborn bathing a complete hands free bath seat that we could actually use in the bath.

The base of the seat is made from a soft silicone type of materal (the prooer name is TPE material) ehich molds nicely to the shape of babys bum and back. It also soaks up the warmth from the water so baby doesnt feel cold.

The seat has a rubbery edging so it kind of sticks to the bottom of the bath (which is a godsend you really dont want the chair toppling ever). It has a max line in case your unsure how high to run the bath and comes with a hoop and a hook to stick it to the wall meaning storage isnt a problem.

The seat can be used from birth up to 6 months which is much longer thsn a baby bath. At 6 months Max was sitting up so we just put in him the bath without a seat.

You can buy the Angelcare bath seat from a lot of retailers now (including Mothercare). We purchased ours from Amazon it was £25.00 if I remember correctly. The price is a little steep but we got a lot of use out of it. We’re using it again for baby number 2 so def getting our moneys worth.

I used it to keep Kai close while bathing Max.
I would absloutley recomend this seat. It’s  perfect for making life a bit easier.

*please note I was not sent the seat or paid to review this item. All opinions are my own *

According to Max it makes a pretty good seat as well.

Diary of an imperfect mum

We're going on an adventure

Breakfast fail

When I started weaning Max I really had my eye on serving up delicious pancakes for breakie.The baby led websites made it look sooooo easy. Surprise surprise I found it hard to make pancakes (mummy fail right there). I could never get the batter just right.

Well this morning I decided to give it another go. Was I setting myself up for failure lets see……

The reason I’ve decided to be slightly more adventurousthis morning? Well i came across this last night. It came with a brother max weaning set I received to test last year for the mag Mother and Baby.

It looks simple enough I throught surely even a pancake simpleton like me cant muck this one up.

The recipe tell us to mash the banana, eggs and sugar and mix to form a batter.

You then need to add oil to your pan (I’m using frylight). Then add your batter mix to the pan and fry fir a minute each side.

So this is the first pancake .

Absloutley rubbish, at this rate Max may starve. Fear not thou he has already had a biscuit this morning a staple part of any toddler breakfast.

Im onto pancake number 3 the previous trys are currently feeding the bin.

This one went slightly better but crumbled when I tried to flip it. Im frantically googleing “how to flip a pancake ” but to be fair its not helping.

The forth attempt looks slightly better.

Ok so by now I’m losing the will to live. The so called pancake now resembles a banana omellete.

Heres the final product. I had visions of eating lovely pancakes with Max this morning think il give it a miss. Although I just tried some and they may look like a pile of crap they dont taste too bad.

Any pancake extrodinares out there please help where am I going wrong 😦

” rel=”nofollow” title=”Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs”>Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

Mummas time

As I lie here still in my pit at 8 am (almost unheard of in this house) with the toddler playing in his room and the baby making grunting pug noises in his sleep next to me, really makes me feel like for once I’m winning (it wont last)

I’m hoping Max will get bored of playing and take himself back to bed. Somehow I doubt that will happen. I give it 5 more minutes before his screaming mummmmmm at the top of his lungs (bloody toddlers)

I feel a smidgen guilty that im spending this time blogging from bed. I really should be sorting out the babes next bottle or getting Max dressed.Isnt it crazy feeling bad doing something for myself.My whole life is about my family yet I begrudge myself 20 minutes to myself. Thats crazy talk right there sometimes us mummas need to take some time out. Im pretty sure the hubby doesn’t feel guilty when hes playing xbox. That’s men for you they just opeeate differently to us ladies. 

Fast forward 5 minutes

Ok party times over as I dash downstairs to sort out Kai’s bottle. He really will be screaming for it soon and thats just not a great way to start our saturday. I had to leg it past Max at the gate holding every teddy he has in his arms and see his eyes light up at the prospect of freedom. Sorry son one child at a time.

So that was my weekend lie in. Oh how times change when you have kids. We’ve swapped lie ins and naps for screaming babes,dirty nappies and sleepless nights. 

Hands up who else managed an extra 10 mins in bed and will you be paying for it later.  

7 weeks in …

After 7 very long and stressful weeks we finally have a double buggy.

As mentioned in my previous post we had tried some buggy alternatives before taking the plunge with a buggy.they didnt work out to well for us (read the post here maximusmummy.wordpress.com/2016/09/04/wearing-my-baby/)

Last weekend id finally had enough and decided the time had come.

We dont have a spare 700 odd squid for a lovely tandem buggy so we opted for this very affordable side by side joie pram.

Heres the little nippers in said buggy.

At £120 mackaroonies it really is a steal. It folds down using just one hand and is surprisingly lightweight. 

Its a bit of a tight sqeeuze in my boot but it fits thru surprisenly most doors. 

It just make life so much easier having a double . Theres still that fear that Max will try and bop kai one but il just have to keep an eye on him. 

I would  ₩recomend this buggy if your on a tight budget (i wasnt paid to say that or sent the buggy for free -sadly)

Looking back

Having a newborn around the house again has made me want to have a look over some of my older posts when Max was just a little baby. 

Heres a selection if you fancy a mooch its crazy to think he was was ever a tiny baby, hes more like a baby elephant now:)




First night at fat club 

Ok i should probably stop calling it fat club but i just cant help it. Slimming world makes me think of little britan “dust anyone “.

In all seriousness i really want to shift this mum tum .The plan is to give it 6 months and see where we are then. I know il start to lose weight by then anyway getting weighed should hopefully just give me the extra push. 

Im quite pleased i went it wasnt as bad as i throught it would be. Im not planning to live and die by the plan im going to use it more as a guide.

Im really looking forward to getting some excercise in. Itl be slow going i suspect. I recently went on a trampoline with Max and i honestly was scared my uterus was goibg to fall out or that my bladder would give way.

Really should start doing those pelvic excercises now. 

This is what i hope to look like when excercising. Haha dream on 🙂

6 week check 

Today is mine and Kai’s 6 week check. 

Its come around so quick before we know it hel be having his jabs. Im not pro vaccianations but he will have the same jabs as Max and thats it.

Last night was a bit of a mare. Max didnt get off to sleep till quite late (the sod) he wasnt crying just playing and saying hello everytime one of us went to the toliet. 

Then to top it off Kai wouldnt settle,he had terrible bad wind. After much winding he finally went to sleep and didnt wake till 2.45 am fir his feed. Hes snoozing now in his chair. 

Max is spending the day with nanny today and we have the health vistior some point this afternoon. In between il have to fit in some housework (theres a pile of ironing with my name on it). It will also be nice to spend some one on one time with Kai. 

We’ve got a fair bit on this week visiting relatives going back to maxs class and a trip to legoland on friday. Its good to keep busy its so much easier to handle the boys when there occupied. 

*image courtsey of  pexels